Di Maria looks set to become the third after reportedly feeling undervalued at the Bernabeu and has previously revealed that he will make a decision after the World Cup."For now, I’m just thinking the World Cup. We'll see what happens with Madrid and if they want to continue, he said."Honestly, I know that there are offers and interested clubs."Arsenal, who broke their transfer record with the signing of Mesut Ozil from Madrid last season, are also interested in Di Maria's services, while Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho is keen on a Stamford Bridge reunion with the winger.
Angel Di Maria Heading to Manchester United in £40m Deal - Agent
Posted by Unknown on Thursday, July 03, 2014
Di Maria looks set to become the third after reportedly feeling undervalued at the Bernabeu and has previously revealed that he will make a decision after the World Cup."For now, I’m just thinking the World Cup. We'll see what happens with Madrid and if they want to continue, he said."Honestly, I know that there are offers and interested clubs."Arsenal, who broke their transfer record with the signing of Mesut Ozil from Madrid last season, are also interested in Di Maria's services, while Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho is keen on a Stamford Bridge reunion with the winger.