Viriginity Now on Sale For N80M By a 27 Year Old Medical Student


A few months back, We shared the story of this amazingly pretty 27 year old virgin who is auctioning off her virginity for $550,000 (N80 Million naira) The difference was, she kept her identity hidden and said only the highest bidder will get to see her face.
Now, she has finally revealed her identity and she is stunning . The 27-year-old medical school student using the name “Elizabeth Raine” to protect her identity, has been running the online virginity auction
She told Huffington Post

“I actually didn’t like the anonymity. People mistake it for shame.Plus, there has been some speculation that I’d be outed and I wanted to do it on my own terms.”

The current top bid listed on her website is $300,000, but she said she’s received bids near $550,000 that she’s in the process of confirming.

She says her main purpose of the auction is to make money and also adventure, ero-ticism, scandal and the chance to challenge norms about virginity .

“I’ve been planning this for a year and I’ve had a personal transformation because of it.“I’m more educated about prostitution, virginity and slut-shaming.I am not emotionally damaged, broken or shut off as a result of it,”

The winning bidder will have to provide Raine with proof that he has no s*xually transmitted diseases and is willing to wear a condom. He also may not be under the influence of booze or drugs during the encounter, nor may he attempt anal s*x or treat her violently.
She’s also open to kissing the winning bidder, and even holds out a small amount of hope that it might lead to something more.

“I wouldn’t rule out love, but it’s very unlikely,There will be a legal contract between us,” she said. “[The winner] may not be happy [with the s*x], but he knows what he’s paying for.”

Raine admits she does have a thing for older men and tall guys, but those factors probably won’t come into play for what is basically a business deal.