The Microsoft’s new Sleep Study tool generates a report of which applications and activities consume the most energy, reports from en-gadget claim. If you want your Windows tablet battery to last as long as you want, then you have to know what drains its power. That’s what the tool does for you. Sadly, there’s a limitation: It only works if your device is in Instant Go sleep mode. Instant Go, a feature for Windows 8.1, was previously called Connected Standby for Windows 8 and RT. Unlike other similar modes, it allows your system to sleep while updating apps in the background and keeps the device in a state that’s quickly ready to resume. Take note that it’s not available on all Windows 8.1 devices, so to know if you have it, launch the command prompt and type in “powercfg /a.” If you see that “Standby ‘s” available, then you can follow Microsoft’s instructions on the Windows Experience Blog to run Sleep Study.The tool will generate the report as an HTML file, where you can see the top five reasons why your tablet’s always out of battery when you need it the most.