Detective Superintendent Kalu said the suspects would be charged to court on completion of the ongoing investigation. Apparently, their hideout is operated as a pub to ward off suspicion and operators of the spot, which has been running for the last two years, employ thugs who stand sentry at its gates. They then collect fees from those willing to be exposed to the illicit sexual activities at the hideout. According to the police, teenage girls from neighbouring communities and states reportedly troop to the hideout at night where after smoking and drinking, they engage in sexual acts with patrons who pay them heavily. This latest roundup is part of a general crackdown on homosexual activity across Nigeria. On January 7, President Goodluck Jonathan signed Nigeria's Draconian Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Bill into law, making being homosexual punishable by 14 years in jail. It has since attracted widespread condemnation from human rights bodies and the international community, with the pope being one of those calling for tolerance of alternative lifestyles but state governments across Nigeria have been enforcing the new law hard.
26 Suspected Lesbians Arrested By Delta State Police
Posted by Unknown on Monday, June 02, 2014
Detective Superintendent Kalu said the suspects would be charged to court on completion of the ongoing investigation. Apparently, their hideout is operated as a pub to ward off suspicion and operators of the spot, which has been running for the last two years, employ thugs who stand sentry at its gates. They then collect fees from those willing to be exposed to the illicit sexual activities at the hideout. According to the police, teenage girls from neighbouring communities and states reportedly troop to the hideout at night where after smoking and drinking, they engage in sexual acts with patrons who pay them heavily. This latest roundup is part of a general crackdown on homosexual activity across Nigeria. On January 7, President Goodluck Jonathan signed Nigeria's Draconian Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Bill into law, making being homosexual punishable by 14 years in jail. It has since attracted widespread condemnation from human rights bodies and the international community, with the pope being one of those calling for tolerance of alternative lifestyles but state governments across Nigeria have been enforcing the new law hard.